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<h1 >Hi,</h1>
<p>If you clicked the "About" link, you probably want to know a little more about me. So here we go.</p></br>
<p>Im currently 17 years old and living in Germany. I <i class="fa fa-heart" style="color:red;font-size:12px;"></i> programming and gaming and im striving to experience the newest innovations. Lately, Im trying to improve my skills in development of websites and building the basics for application development.</p></br>
<h2>About this Site</h2>
<p>This is my personal site, here you can find my projects and links to the most important other platforms I use.</p></br>
<p>Most of the coding work has been done with Atom Editor, some plugins for it, Brave Browser (based on Google Chrome), for debugging and Notepad++ for quick changes.</p></br>
<p>If you want to know anything else about me or this site, feel free to message me on any of my linked social media or write an email!</p><br />
<p>Thanks to everyone visiting the site, if you notice a problem or an error, please let me know! <i class="fa fa-thumbs-up" style="color:red"></i></p></br>
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