# conn quick and dirty server availability check

basically just a way too complex wrapper for nmap and fping
the pre-rewrite version is available as conn.sh.old and is no longer maintained
### features: - ~~multi-input detection~~ (not needed anymore since the rewrite) - ~~ipv4 input detection~~ (not needed anymore since the rewrite) - ~~ipv6 input detection~~ (not needed anymore since the rewrite) - waiting for availability - send notification on availability - updater built in # usage Usage: conn [IP(s)/hostname(s)]
-h / --help show help page (this)
-6 / --force-ipv6 force ipv6 portscanning (also forces portscanning)
-4 / --force-ipv4 force ipv4 portscanning (also forces portscanning)
-y / --yes portscan without asking
-n / --no dont portscan
-w / --wait wait for active connection
-u / --update update the script
-f / --fast disable os check
-s / --simple simplify output
# installation 1. download the script:
```bash wget https://git.byreqz.de/byreqz/conn/raw/branch/main/conn.sh ``` 2. run it with
`` bash conn.sh `` or
`` chmod +x conn.sh && ./conn.sh `` 3. optionally alias it
``alias conn="~/conn.sh"`` # sample output ```bash ./conn.sh nils.lol checking connection status for nils.lol -------------------Availability---------------------- nils.lol is alive (35.5 ms) note: this seems to be a linux machine ----------------------------------------------------- portscan? (y/n) (default: y) -------------------Portscan--------------------- Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2021-12-05 13:42 CET Nmap scan report for nils.lol ( Host is up, received user-set (0.048s latency). Not shown: 995 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE REASON 21/tcp open ftp syn-ack 22/tcp open ssh syn-ack 80/tcp open http syn-ack 81/tcp closed hosts2-ns conn-refused 443/tcp open https syn-ack Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.54 seconds nils.lol : [0], 64 bytes, 36.5 ms (36.5 avg, 0% loss) nils.lol : [1], 64 bytes, 35.7 ms (36.1 avg, 0% loss) nils.lol : [2], 64 bytes, 34.7 ms (35.6 avg, 0% loss) nils.lol : [3], 64 bytes, 33.5 ms (35.1 avg, 0% loss) nils.lol : xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/4/0%, min/avg/max = 33.5/35.1/36.5 ------------------------------------------------ ```