# conn quick and dirty server availability check

basically just a way too complex wrapper for nmap and fping
### features: - multi-input detection - ipv4 input detection - ipv6 input detection - waiting for availability - send notification on availability # usage Usage: conn (options) [ip]
-m/--multi -- test multiple ips / disable portscan
-h/--help -- show help
-6/--force-ipv6 -- force ipv6 portscanning (also forces portscanning)
-4/--force-ipv4 -- force ipv4 portscanning (also forces portscanning)
-y/--yes -- portscan without asking
-n/--no -- dont portscan
-p/--portscan -- same as -y
-w/--wait -- wait for active connection
# installation 1. download the script:
```bash wget https://git.byreqz.de/byreqz/conn/raw/branch/main/conn.sh ``` 2. run it with
`` bash conn.sh `` or
`` chmod +x && ./conn.sh `` 3. optionally alias it
``alias conn="~/conn.sh"``