#!/bin/bash # license: gpl-3 echo "which networkmanager do you want to use?" echo "please enter the name or number of your choice" if [[ -n $(systemctl --version | grep -e "systemd") ]];then echo "1. systemd-resolved [installed]" else echo "1. systemd-resolved [not installed]" fi if [[ -n $(ls /etc | grep -e "NetworkManager") ]];then echo "2. NetworkManager [installed]" else echo "2. NetworkManager [not installed]" fi if [[ -n $(ls /etc | grep -e "netplan") ]];then echo "3. netplan [installed]" else echo "3. netplan [not installed]" fi if [[ -n $(ls /etc | grep -e "netctl") ]];then echo "4. netctl [installed]" else echo "4. netctl [not installed]" fi if [[ -n $(ls /etc | grep -e "network") ]];then echo "5. interfaces (ifup/ifdown) [installed]" else echo "5. interfaces (ifup/ifdown) [not installed]" fi read c1 if [[ "$c1" == "1" ]] || [[ "$c1" == "1." ]] || [[ "$c1" == "systemd-resolved" ]];then echo "Do you want to configure by Interfacename or MAC? (ifn/MAC)" read choice1 if [[ "$choice1" =~ "ifn" ]];then echo "======================" echo "type the name of the interface to use" echo "======================" ip a echo "======================" read sndif sndif="Name="$sndif"" elif [[ "$choice1" =~ "mac" ]];then echo "======================" echo "Please type out the MAC-Adress" echo "======================" ip a echo "======================" read sndif sndif="MACAdress="$sndif"" else echo "empty input, exiting" exit fi echo "======================" echo "input the ip to set (cidr notion needed, defaults to /24)" echo "======================" read sndip if [[ -z "$(echo $sndip | grep -e "/")" ]];then sndip=""$sndip"/24" fi echo "======================" echo "input the gateway adress to set" echo "======================" read sndgw echo "======================" echo "input the dns server adress to set" echo "leave empty for default" echo "======================" read snddns if [[ -z "$snddns" ]];then # those are the default hetzner dns servers snddns="" fi echo "[Match]" > ".systemd.network" echo "$sndif" >> ".systemd.network" echo "" >> ".systemd.network" echo "[Network]" >> ".systemd.network" echo "Address=$sndip" >> ".systemd.network" echo "Gateway=$sndgw" >> ".systemd.network" echo "DNS=$snddns" >> ".systemd.network" echo "======================" echo "config has been generated in the current directory" echo "should the config be installed now? (y/N)" echo "======================" read $sndyn2 if [[ "$sndyn2" == "y" ]] || [[ "$sndyn2" == "Y" ]] || [[ "$sndyn2" == "yes" ]];then mv .systemd.network "/etc/systemd/network/10-ethernet.network" systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart systemd-networkd exit else mv .systemd.network systemd.network echo "======================" echo "the config should be copied to:" echo -e "\e[31m/etc/systemd/network/\e[0m" echo "and prefixed with" echo -e "\e[31m10-\e[0m" echo "and activated with" echo -e "\e[31mdaemon-reload\e[0m" echo -e "\e[31msystemctl restart systemd-networkd\e[0m" echo "======================" exit fi elif [[ "$c1" == "2" ]] || [[ "$c1" == "2." ]] || [[ "$c1" == "networkmanager" ]];then echo "======================" echo "select a new connectionname" echo "======================" read nmc echo "======================" echo "type the name of the interface to use" echo "" ip a echo "======================" read nmcif echo "======================" echo "input the ip to set (cidr notion also accepted, defaults to /24 if empty)" echo "======================" read nmcip if [[ -z "$(echo $nmcip | grep -e "/")" ]];then nmcip=""$nmcip"/24" fi echo "======================" echo "input the gateway adress to set" echo "======================" read nmcgw echo "======================" echo "input the dns server adress(es) to set" echo "leave empty for default" echo "======================" read nmcdns if [[ -z "$nmcdns" ]];then # those are the default hetzner dns servers nmcdns="" fi echo -e "[connection]" > ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "id="$nmc"" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "uuid=$(curl -s "http://uuid4.com/?count=1&format=raw")" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "type=ethernet" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "autoconnect-priority=1" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "interface-name="$nmcif"" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection # not sure if this actually works # echo -e "permissions=user:*:;" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "timestamp=$(date +%s)" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "[ethernet]" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "auto-negotiate=true" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "mac-address-blacklist=" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "[ipv4]" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "address1="$nmcip","$nmcgw"" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "dns="$nmcdns";" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "dns-search=" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "method=manual" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "[ipv6]" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "addr-gen-mode=stable-privacy" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "dns-search=" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "method=auto" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo -e "[proxy]" >> ."$nmc".nmconnection echo "======================" echo "the connection file has been created in $PWD" echo "should it be installed right now? (requires root) [y/N]" echo "======================" read nmcyn1 if [[ "$nmcyn1" == "y" ]] || [[ "$nmcyn1" == "Y" ]] || [[ "$nmcyn1" == "yes" ]];then mv ."$nmc".nmconnection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/"$nmc".nmconnection chown root:root /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/"$nmc".nmconnection chmod 600 /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/"$nmc".nmconnection systemctl restart NetworkManager nmcli connection up "$nmc" else mv ."$nmc".nmconnection "$nmc".nmconnection echo "======================" echo "the config should be copied to:" echo -e "\e[31m/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/\e[0m" echo "and can be activated with:" echo -e "\e[31mnmcli connection up "$nmc"\e[0m" echo -e "remember to set permissions to \e[31mroot/600\e[0m" echo "======================" exit fi exit elif [[ "$c1" == "3" ]] || [[ "$c1" == "3." ]] || [[ "$c1" == "netplan" ]];then echo "please enter the interface name" echo "======================" ip l echo "======================" read npif if [[ -n $(ip a | grep -e "$npif") ]];then echo "======================" echo "select the renderer to use, defaults to networkd" if [[ -n $(ls /etc | grep -e "NetworkManager") ]];then echo "- Networkmanager [nm]" fi if [[ -n $(systemctl --version | grep -e "systemd") ]];then echo "- systemd-networkd [nd]" fi echo "======================" read nprd if [[ "$nprd" == "nm" ]] || [[ "$nprd" == "networkmanager" ]] || [[ "$nprd" == "NetworkManager" ]];then nprd="NetworkManager" elif [[ "$nprd" == "nd" ]] || [[ "$nprd" == "networkd" ]] || [[ "$nprd" == "systemd-networkd" ]];then nprd="networkd" else nprd="networkd" fi echo "please enter the ip adress to set (with cidr notation)" read npip echo "please enter the gateway adress to set" read npgw echo "please enter the dns servers adress, leave empty for default" read npdns if [[ -z "$npdns" ]];then npdns="" fi echo "network:" > $PWD/.netplan.yaml echo -e " version: 2" >> $PWD/.netplan.yaml echo -e " renderer: "$nprd"" >> $PWD/.netplan.yaml echo -e " ethernets:" >> $PWD/.netplan.yaml echo -e " "$npif":" >> $PWD/.netplan.yaml echo -e " addresses:" >> $PWD/.netplan.yaml echo -e " - "$npip"" >> $PWD/.netplan.yaml echo -e " gateway4: "$npgw"" >> $PWD/.netplan.yaml echo -e " nameservers:" >> $PWD/.netplan.yaml echo -e " search: [mydomain, otherdomain]" >> $PWD/.netplan.yaml echo -e " addresses: ["$npdns"]" >> $PWD/.netplan.yaml echo "======================" echo "config has been generated in the current directory" echo "should the config be installed now? (y/N)" echo "======================" read $npyn2 if [[ "$npyn2" == "y" ]] || [[ "$npyn2" == "Y" ]] || [[ "$npyn2" == "yes" ]];then mv .netplan.yaml /etc/netplan/netplan.yaml exit else mv .netplan.yaml netplan.yaml echo "======================" echo "the config should be copied to:" echo -e "\e[31m/etc/netplan/\e[0m" echo "and can be activated with:" echo -e "\e[31mnetplan apply\e[0m" echo "======================" exit fi else echo "interface not found, exiting" exit fi elif [[ "$c1" == "4" ]] || [[ "$c1" == "4." ]] || [[ "$c1" == "netctl" ]];then echo "======================" echo "type the name of the interface to use" echo "======================" ip a echo "======================" read nctlif echo "======================" echo "input the ip to set (cidr notion needed, defaults to /24)" echo "======================" read nctlip if [[ -z "$(echo $nctlip | grep -e "/")" ]];then nctlip=""$nctlip"/24" fi echo "======================" echo "input the gateway adress to set" echo "======================" read nctlgw echo "======================" echo "input the dns server adress(es) to set" echo "leave empty for default" echo "======================" read nctldns if [[ -z "$nctldns" ]];then # those are the default hetzner dns servers nctldns="" fi echo -e "Interface="$nctlif"" >> .netctl echo -e "Connection=ethernet" >> .netctl echo -e "IP=static" >> .netctl echo -e "Address=('"$nctlip"')" >> .netctl echo -e "Gateway='"$nctlgw"'" >> .netctl echo -e "DNS=('"$nctldns"')" >> .netctl echo "======================" echo "config has been generated in the current directory" echo "should the config be installed now? (y/N)" echo "======================" read $npyn2 if [[ "$npyn2" == "y" ]] || [[ "$npyn2" == "Y" ]] || [[ "$npyn2" == "yes" ]];then mv .netctl /etc/netctl/ netctl enable netctl netctl start netctl exit else mv .netctl netctl-config echo "======================" echo "the config should be copied to:" echo -e "\e[31m/etc/netctl\e[0m" echo "and activated with" echo -e "\e[31mnetctl enable netctl-config\e[0m" echo -e "\e[31mnetctl start netctl-config\e[0m" echo "======================" exit fi elif [[ "$c1" == "5" ]] || [[ "$c1" == "5." ]] || [[ "$c1" == "interfaces" ]];then echo "======================" echo "type the name of the interface to use" echo "======================" ip a echo "======================" read ifif echo "======================" echo "input the ip to set (without cidr notion)" echo "======================" read ifip echo "======================" echo "input the netmask to set (long form)" echo "defaults to if empty" echo "======================" read ifnm if [[ -z "$(echo $ifnm | grep -e ".")" ]];then ifnm="" fi echo "======================" echo "input the gateway adress to set" echo "======================" read ifgw echo -e "auto lo" > .interfaces echo -e "iface lo inet loopback" >> .interfaces echo -e "" >> .interfaces echo -e "auto "$ifif"" >> .interfaces echo -e "allow-hotplug "$ifif"" >> .interfaces echo -e "iface "$ifif" inet manual" >> .interfaces echo -e " adress "$ifip"" >> .interfaces echo -e " netmask "$ifnm"" >> .interfaces echo -e " gateway "$ifgw"" >> .interfaces echo "======================" echo "config has been generated in the current directory" echo "should the config be installed now? (y/N)" echo "======================" read $ifyn2 if [[ "$ifyn2" == "y" ]] || [[ "$ifyn2" == "Y" ]] || [[ "$ifyn2" == "yes" ]];then mv .interfaces /etc/network/ ifup "$ifif" exit else mv .interfaces interfaces-config echo "======================" echo "the config should be copied to:" echo -e "\e[31m/etc/network/ and renamed to interfaces\e[0m" echo "and activated with" echo -e "\e[31mifup "$ifif"\e[0m" echo "======================" exit fi else echo "selected manager not supported" exit fi