#!/bin/bash # license: gpl-3 if [[ $(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/byReqz/stocheck/main/stocheck.sh | md5sum | cut -c -32) != $(md5sum $0 | cut -c -32) ]] && [[ -z $1 ]] || [[ $(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/byReqz/stocheck/main/stocheck.sh | md5sum | cut -c -32) != $(md5sum $0 | cut -c -32) ]] && [[ $1 != "--update" ]] || [[ $(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/byReqz/stocheck/main/stocheck.sh | md5sum | cut -c -32) != $(md5sum $0 | cut -c -32) ]] && [[ $1 != "-u" ]];then echo "#############################################" echo -e "\e[4mnote: newer version detected, use -u to update\e[0m" echo "#############################################" echo "" fi while [ ! -n "$1" ]; do if [[ -n $(ls /sys/block | grep sd) ]];then echo "=== sata drive check: ===" for x in {a..z};do if [[ -n $(smartctl --scan | grep /dev/sd$x) ]];then echo "------------------- /dev/sd$x --------------------"; smartctl -H -i /dev/sd$x; echo "-----------------------------------------------------"; fi done if [[ -n $(ls /dev | grep nvme) ]];then echo "=== nvme drive check: ===" for x in {0..4};do echo "------------------- /dev/nvme$x --------------------"; smartctl -H -i /dev/nvme$x; echo "---------------------------------------------------------"; exit done else exit fi fi done while [ ! -z "$1" ]; do if [[ $1 == "-u" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--update" ]];then if [[ $(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/byReqz/stocheck/main/stocheck.sh | md5sum | cut -c -32) != $(md5sum $0 | cut -c -32) ]];then wget -O $0 --quiet "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/byReqz/stocheck/main/stocheck.sh" echo "#############################################" echo -e "\e[4mscript has been updated to the newest version\e[0m" echo "#############################################" exit elif [[ $(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/byReqz/stocheck/main/stocheck.sh | md5sum | cut -c -32) = $(md5sum $0 | cut -c -32) ]];then echo "#############################################" echo "no newer version found" echo "#############################################" exit fi fi done