# stocheck
quick and dirty smart value checker
### features:
- sata/nvme support
- show smart info and self-check results
supports most common raid-controller brands:
- 3ware (series 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000 and 9750)
- adaptec (smartraid/aacraid not yet implemented)
- lsi/dell
# usage
Usage: stocheck (options)
-h/--help -- show help
-u/--update -- update the script
### **running it on a remote machine:**
**running once:**
ssh root@remote 'bash -s' < stocheck.sh
**proper alias:**
echo "function stocheck_remote { ssh root@"$"1 'bash -s' < ~/stocheck.sh; }" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias stocheck=stocheck_remote" >> ~/.bashrc
# installation
1. download the script:
wget https://git.byreqz.de/byreqz/stocheck/raw/branch/main/stocheck.sh
2. run it with
bash stocheck.sh
chmod +x stockheck.sh && ./stocheck.sh
3. optionally alias it
alias stocheck="~/stocheck.sh"