Nils 6a630adcb7 making the website usable
removing useless stuff, beautifying code and setting it to dark mode
2019-08-31 02:42:50 +02:00

50 lines
1.7 KiB

/* UItoTop jQuery Plugin 1.2 | Matt Varone | http://www.mattvarone.com/web-design/uitotop-jquery-plugin */
(function($) {
$.fn.UItoTop = function(options) {
var defaults = {
text: 'To Top',
min: 200,
inDelay: 600,
outDelay: 400,
containerID: 'toTop',
containerHoverID: 'toTopHover',
scrollSpeed: 1200,
easingType: 'linear'
settings = $.extend(defaults, options),
containerIDhash = '#' + settings.containerID,
containerHoverIDHash = '#' + settings.containerHoverID;
$('body').append('<a href="#" id="' + settings.containerID + '">' + settings.text + '</a>');
$(containerIDhash).hide().on('click.UItoTop', function() {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: 0
}, settings.scrollSpeed, settings.easingType);
$('#' + settings.containerHoverID, this).stop().animate({
'opacity': 0
}, settings.inDelay, settings.easingType);
return false;
}).prepend('<span id="' + settings.containerHoverID + '"></span>').hover(function() {
$(containerHoverIDHash, this).stop().animate({
'opacity': 1
}, 600, 'linear');
}, function() {
$(containerHoverIDHash, this).stop().animate({
'opacity': 0
}, 700, 'linear');
$(window).scroll(function() {
var sd = $(window).scrollTop();
if (typeof document.body.style.maxHeight === "undefined") {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': sd + $(window).height() - 50
if (sd > settings.min)